On "Threats of Opposite" & "Misnaming is Not a Laughing Matter"

Bruce Andrews' (L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E co-founder. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Andrews) reflections on my book-length long poem, "Threats of Opposite", published by SINK Press, San Francisco, 1989, & "Misnaming..." pub. in WRITING 22, Spring 1989, and in which Andrews' "Vertebrae" also appeared.
October 89
Dear Bill
Thanks for being in touch -
& for sending yr bk - also in hand piece in WRITING 22 - 'as far as boom boom..." - clearer, less cluttered by contrary intentions, image, description, etc. - so syntax steers/shows through better but rhythmic overall casting gets harder - (& units that work as 'images' do so before they're built up into obvious send-offs for such images) - hip & streetwise, appreciated book.
The elusive intrigues - less obvious image or story-line 'nanation' whisps (punked up noir "This was a test" - zero degree but of ... a graspable world - / Song might make for concision more ? / Syntactical invention - where?
vs. surrealist image-battering [vs. Zuk]
"brown diaphragm of confession" -
"that the property of human beings" ...eulogy - yeah -
Cloning was first done with plants, laboratory animals - Appreciate your dedication
or is it a "productiveness by way of decomp" - or awkwd ganulous ("hamburger + Locke") - OR - simplify & center target the culture; sometimes the cultural bouillibasse (sp) is a gas. "Uncle - thinghood" etc. [Send to Hannah Weiner] or - the Other vs. the Obvious, 'genre' needless, psychodrama, surrealism - "With practice we can admire emergencies": at all levels, from 'the sign' (or below) to hegemony of Capital and Powerism. Images are prose.] Notes
Yrs, Bruce
[written in upper left corner]
Even the unsayable has its nest sham trinket
Stratified stackings substantiate a pause
Involuntary helping the research pretty well
Flowerbeds of political campaigns, champagne
Escapades examining me, breeding hens under pseudonym
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